W72 - Window & Door Systems

W72 - Thermally Broken Windows & Doors


PGA W72 system is used to manufacture window, door and more complex units for modern energy efficient buildings. New technologies and materials, modern design methods allow to create products that meet the highest thermal and acoustic requirements.

  • The thermal insulation properties are excellent.

  • The assembly and installation process uses a simple and straightforward technology.

  • Possible to manufacture windows of non-rectangular shape.

Technical Specifications



Sound insulation(depending on the infill unit) up to 48 dB
Thermal insulation, Uf ≥ 1,58 W/(m 2 K)
Air permeability Class 4
Water Tightness Class E1050
Wind load resistance Class C5
Frame Depth 72mm
Sash Depth 80mm
Max. infill unit thickness 50 mm;
Max. sash weight up to 65 kg
Max. sash height up to 2,500 mm
Max. sash width Up to 1,700 mm


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